

All state schools in England have a Governing Board which must adhere to the Governance Handbook (DFE October 2020). This outlines the 3 core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

A key role for governors here at JFCPS is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to support, challenge, ask questions and ultimately to represent the school community. The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the local authority. Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors ensure the school functions well and maintains the range of academic and social objectives.

The governing body consists of:

  • The Headteacher
  • One elected staff governor
  • One appointed local authority governor
  • Two elected parent governors
  • Seven co-opted governors

The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year. The chair of governors is Mr Richard Morgan, who can be contacted via the school office at

Much of the work of the governing body is done by our four active sub-committees.


Governing Body

Mr Richard Morgan

Chair of Governors, Co-opted

Miss Becky Crossley

Head Teacher and Personnel, Finance and Buildings, Teaching and Learning and Pupil Welfare Committees

Mrs Susan Gray

Chair of Finance & Buildings Committee,  Personnel Committee , Co-opted

Mrs Clair Beswick

Chair of the Personnel Committee, Teaching & Learning Committee ,  and Pupil Welfare Committee, Co-opted

Mrs Joanne Willan

Chair of Pupil Welfare Committee, Personnel Committee, Finance and Buildings Committee and Teaching and Learning Committee, Co-opted 

Miss Sylvia Cartwright

Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee, Staff Governor and Pupil Welfare Committee 

Miss Zoe Torkington

Parent Governor and Teaching and Learning Committee and Pupil Welfare Committee

Mrs Joann Aldred

Finance & Buildings Committee, Co-opted

Mrs Lynda Twist

Finance and Buildings Committee and  Pupil Welfare Committee 

Mr Gary Allanson

Finance & Buildings Committee and Teaching and Learning Committee, Co-opted

Mrs Janet Phillips                                      Pupil Welfare Committee and Personnel Committee, Co-opted

Governors Impact Statement for 2022-2023

Each year we publish a statement outlining the impact of the decisions we make, as Governors, on the school. Over the past year we as Governors have worked hard to ensure that the school continues to be strong in all areas and that the school continues to grow and develop ‘to be the best that we can be’ to ensure that the children in our school can be the best that they can be.

In recent years we have continued to develop a well organised committee structure, each led by a different Governor. By sharing responsibility it has allowed all the Governors to become more active, with a greater diversity of views and more accountability. This year we have appointed a new Parent Governor who will bring fresh new insights to the school and skills to enhance the effectiveness of our Governing body.

We continue to work very closely with the Headteacher and the senior leadership team as well as the other members of staff, both teaching and support. This means we have a very thorough knowledge and understanding of the school which enables us to be more active in our role.

As Governors we regularly visit school and are directly involved in the life of the school; particularly special assemblies, and performances. We are present and involved at major school events such as award ceremonies and community events such as the Christmas and Summer Fairs.

We continue with our policy to recruit new and recently qualified teachers and are confident that our school can give them whatever support and development they need. We have an excellent record in nurturing and developing teachers and although it can be frustrating to see good staff leave us, we know that when this happens, the school will still function well. As Governors we continue to support and encourage the school to keep raising standards in all areas of the curriculum. This year we have continued to invited lead subject teachers to present to Governors  and share their reports about how they are refining the curriculum of their subject across the school. This has given Governors continual insight into the hard work and enthusiasm of our teaching staff as they seek to continue to raise standards.

We recognise the importance of tackling barriers to learning in all areas and we support and encourage the excellent links with a range of outside agencies who can offer support and help to parents and the wider community. Our award winning Breakfast Club continues to help working families and parents trying to return to employment.

A key area of our responsibility as Governors is pupil premium money. We regularly review how pupil premium money is spent at our meetings to ensure that it is spent on specific interventions and learning support which allows all children to achieve.

The Headteacher

Miss Becky Crossley - Acting Head Start date: 01/04/2021 (now Headteacher as of 01/11/22)

Governors elected by Staff Body

Miss Sylvia Cartwright - Staff Governor Start date: 14/07/2021 End date: 14/07/2025

Governors elected by Local Authority


Governors elected by Parental Body

Ms Zoe Torkington - Parent Governor Start Date: 12/07/2022 End Date: 12/07/2026

Governors elected by Governing Body

Mr Richard Morgan - Chair - Co-opted Governor Start date: 01/02/2015 End date: 31/01/2027

Mrs Joann Aldred - Co-opted Governor Start date: 17/07/2020 End date: 17/07/2024

Mrs Joanne Willan -  Co-opted Governor Start date: 01/02/2015 End date: 31/01/2027

Mr Garry Allanson - Co-opted Governor Start Date: 29/04/2019 End Date: 29/04/2023

Mrs Clair Beswick - Co-opted Governor Start Date: 28/11/2019 End Date: 28/11/2023

Mrs Susan Gray - Co-opted Governor Start Date: 12/07/2018 End Date: 12/07/2022

Mrs Lynda Twist - Co-opted Governor Start Date: 30/11/2022 End Date 30/11/2026

Mrs Janet Philips - Co-opted Governor Start Date: 30/11/2022 End Date 30/11/2026

Governors with relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests)