Johnson Fold CP School is a diverse school, where people from many different backgrounds and cultures learn together. We have a commitment to celebrating this diversity; promoting good relations between our diverse communities, and ensuring that the learning is appropriate and accessible for everyone.
Our curriculum will give equal opportunities to children of all backgrounds and ensure that the protected characteristics, where appropriate to our primary school aged children (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation - Equality Act 2010), are not barriers to learning and can be celebrated, so that every child is able to achieve their potential and “be the best that they can be."
Our "SEN Information Report" is reviewed and updated annually.
Bolton's SEND Local Offer can be accessed below.
Universal & Early Help Assessment Offer
We are here to help you!
At Johnson Fold we recognise that being a parent is the most amazing job; but it doesn’t come with a rule book. It can also be one of the hardest and most stressful. From time to time families may find that they need some additional support or advice. At JFCPS, our aim is to provide parents and carers with the support they need.
Attached are two documents that outline what support is available to all children and when the support maybe stepped up.