Cultural Capital


At Johnson Fold Community Primary School, our intent is for children to join us on a learning journey, which will equip them for the future. We want our children to leave us at Year 6 with a range of skills, a love of learning and a ‘suitcase of happy memories.’

Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving the children the best possible start to their education.

The term ‘cultural capital’ is not new. It is a complex theory that comes originally from the field of sociology, which involves the study of society, including relationships, social interactions and culture. It is important to recognise that everyone has cultural capital – knowledge, skills and behaviours – and these accumulate over time through many different experiences and opportunities.

Cultural capital is not something that is ‘given’ or ‘taught.’ It is about culture, language, traditions and experiences. At Johnson Fold we want to celebrate the uniqueness of us all and share our differences and individualism. It is beyond the curriculum.

Some aspects will be covered through the curriculum, other aspects are explored in assemblies, through our 100 things to do at Johnson Fold, incidental conversations and daily life at school.

