Johnson Fold Reading Journey


“Imagine a primary school where, over seven or eight years, children are read to, enjoy, discuss and work with a core of around 80 books. These ‘essential reads’ would be a store of classics, creating a living library inside a child’s mind. This is the ‘reading spine’. Schools that have a reading spine build a common bank of stories that bind the community together.” Pie Corbett, Literacy expert

At Johnson Fold CP School we teach children how to learn to read and to read to learn.  We teach our children how to decode and blend sounds to read. We use The Phonics International Scheme for the teaching of phonics.


Reading to Learn focuses on enabling our children to read for pleasure and to widen their subject knowledge.

We have compiled a list of core books which support children in reading for pleasure.  These quality texts make great class readers and are a mixture of essential reads and classic stories.  Our Reading Spine begins in our 2 Year Old Nursery and continues to Year 6.  It is based upon Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine and has been adapted as it is a working document.