Welcome to our 3 & 4 Year Old Nursery


Our 3 Year Old Nursery provides quality education in a stimulating environment where your child will be safe, supported and cared for. 

Children 3 years and above are eligible for 15 hours free Nursery provision.  30 hour funding is also available for eligible children.

Session Times

Morning session – 8.30 - 11.30

Afternoon session – 12.15 – 3.15


Our fantastic Early Years team provide a caring, safe, happy environment.   We work together to ensure our provision is high quality and enables your child to thrive and achieve.


Our 3 and 4 Year Old Curriculum is carefully planned to meet the needs and interests of all our children and to ensure that children are ‘the best that they can be’.

There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape education programmes in EYFS settings. These are split into two sections – prime and specific; however, all the sections are interconnected and important.

Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Our children are supported to develop positive relationships with others and self-confidence. Children in Nursery are supported to develop their social skills, manage their feelings and emotions and to respect others.

Communication and Language

We believe that high quality interactions are at the heart of our EYFS provision, and are crucial for children’s learning and development.  Children have regular opportunities to participate in discussions in small, key person groups and whole class situations.  

Physical Development

We provide opportunities for children to be active.  Children are supported to develop an understanding of the importance of caring for themselves and making healthy choices.  They have access to our Outdoor Area and we like to spend a lot of time outside.

These areas are crucial for a child’s learning and development.

Specific Areas


In 3 YO Nursery, we develop children's speaking, listening and attention skills.  Children work on Phase 1 Phonics, developing their awareness of rhyme and rhythm, oral blending and segmenting, environmental sounds, laying firm foundations to be taught Unit 1 Phonics International when they join Reception Class.

We place stories and rhymes at the heart of our curriculum.  Our Nursery provision has a core set of Nursery rhymes and songs that we sing regularly. Click here to see them

We have created a language rich environment and have our own Reading Spine.  These are books that we read frequently and are revisited throughout the year and become very familiar to the children.  These books enable children to develop their language and vocabulary. Have a look at the stories here

We provide activities which develop fine and gross motor skills in preparation for Writing.  In Nursery we have daily Squiggle While You Wiggle and Dough Disco sessions.   These activities develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity and hand-eye coordination and they are fun!


We provide opportunities to develop understanding of number and shape through singing songs, number games and activities indoors and outdoors.

Understanding of the World

We provide a range of support and activities to enable children to make sense of the world around them. They have opportunities to explore, observe and learn about people and places, technology and the environment.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children are provided with opportunities to explore and access a wide range of media and materials. Children take part in a range of activities   

What to expect in the EYFS

Have a look at this guide for parents. This will guide you through what to expect in your child’s development. 

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents 


Please contact the school office if you are interested in a 3 Year Old Nursery place for your child.
