School Meals


Johnson Fold has its own kitchen that provides hot, fresh, healthy food for lunch. Menus are available in advance.

Payments for meals should be made on Mondays, weekly or half termly. Please pay by bank transfer. The office team will give you the details on how to do this. If your child is absent, a credit will be made. If you think your child is eligible for free school meals please contact One Stop Shop in Bolton Town Hall 01204 333333.

More information and school menus can be found on the Bolton Website.


Packed Lunches

Children who do not have school meal may either go home for lunch or bring a packed lunch. Please ensure that lunches are brought to school in sealed container, labelled with your child's name and class.

In the interests of health and hygiene we ask that children do not bring cans or glass bottles.

If your child forgets their packed lunch we will try to contact you. If we are unable to do so we will supply a school lunch and ask you to reimburse us later.


We are signed up for the free fruit scheme which provides school with fruit every day.

Snack is free for everyone in school and consists of toast, fruit or biscuits.